Easily track your way with Google Maps

Google Maps make it easy for you to record the distance between 2 or more locations. It allows you to create routes for running exercises. You can easily track a run with the help of a collaborative map. You can get the advantage of several tools that may help you to follow a route. These tools offer easy ways to walkers and runners to measure the distance of hikes, jogs, walks and runs.

Track a Run with the Website of Google Maps

To track your way, you can open maps.google.com to get access to the home page. It allows you to see the whole map on your screen. Sign in with the help of a button on the home page. It will lead you to a login page. You can use your email address and password to sign in.

You will find “My Maps” in the menu. If you don’t find this option, you can get the advantage of a search box. You can track your route with the help of “My Maps.”

The right area of the “My Map” has a “Create” button and one pencil icon. You can take the screen for the creation of a modified map. You have to enter the points of your location during running on the Google Map.

You have to give a description and title of the map. Hit “untitled map” on the page to edit the description and title of the map. Add the title of map and description in the text box. Save your descriptions and titles.

Write the name of the current location on a search box. You will get suggestions for available places. Choose an accurate location from this list, and the site will be displayed on your map.

Marker Tool

A marker tool is available to mark your location. The tool will point to your area on Google map. Click the marker and hold it to drop it on your map to display your site. You can enter one name for a pin while the marker tool rests on a perfect place.

Feel free to add notes along the route in particular sites where you drip pins. Save these details. You can repeat dropping and dragging markers to 2nd, 3rd, and even more locations until you are finished with your journey.

Use Mobile App

You can use a mobile app to track your journey. Android and iOS apps allow you to track your travels or run. This app permits you to include waypoints even without data connection. You are allowed to sync this data after getting access to your internet.

Google allows you to share your actual location in maps. You can do this by tapping a blue dot that shows your area and hit share. Your site will be shared with your contacts on Google, or you can use a messaging app to share a link. Fortunately, you are allowed to share your location with particular people, such as friends and family members. It will be a useful option for a group meeting because you can find each other easily.